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Cross Compilation

To Windows

From Linux to Windows

If you use Arch Linux or Manjaro, it is piece of cake. Just install the required mingw... dependencies at will. A lot of them are already packaged:

From macOS to Windows

It relies on then mingw-w64 project. It feels quite abandoned. On the official page they don't even mention Homebrew (brew install mingw-w64), only MacPorts. What you get there doesn't even include sqlite and you have to compile it yourself. I guess that what you get is what Arch Linux calls "toolchain". For any other thing you need, it is on you to download the source and compile it. Please, correct me if you have updates on this.

Initial setup

  1. Create config file:

$ cat ~/.cargo/config [target.x86_64-pc-windows-gnu] linker = "x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc"

Note: everybody mentions .cargo/config, I assumed it is ~/.cargo/config.

  1. Build with

$ cargo build --target=x86_64-pc-windows-gnu


Luckily, for sqlite you can ask the libsqlite3-sys crate to use a bundled sqlite. Add the following to your Cargo.toml:

[dependencies.rusqlite] version = "0.26.0" features = ["bundled"]
Last modified: 23 d’agost 2024